[The New York Times] China’s Instant Cities : des villes champignons poussent à la limite des mégapoles chinoises, Pékin, Shangaï, Hong-Kong. D'immenses immeubles en accordéons de béton déploient leur plis. Un magnifique reportage photographique de Christoph Gielen et Tim Doody pour le New York Times.
The construction sites, surrounded by concrete walls, are almost impossible to enter without a guide who knows how to get past suspicious guards. But once inside, it’s like entering a science fiction novel. Even in the middle of the night, bulldozers, cement trucks, and workers swarm the sites as muscular cranes hoist cargo to ever-greater heights. Bamboo scaffolding and mesh encase the partially built residential high-rises, giving them the appearance of gargantuan cocoons. Entire neighborhoods arise within months of groundbreaking.