mardi 18 mars 2008

poking fun at fate

Terry Pratchett atteint de la maladie d'Alzheimer? Il semble le prendre plutôt bien, le bougre!
Pratchett's fans will tell you that he has been having brushes with Death for decades. His 36 Discworld books, all set on a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants, which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle, portray the Grim Reaper as a faintly ridiculous character with a horse named Binky and a fondness for curry. Camus wrote that there is no fate that cannot be overcome by scorn. But he was not English. For Pratchett, an atheist and a Distinguished Supporter of the British Humanist Association, there is no fate that cannot be overcome by poking fun at it.